Smart Foods for Healthy Teeth

Most of us have a reasonable idea of foods we should avoid if we don’t want cavities. Sometimes it’s obvious; sometimes it can be trickier to figure out.  We all know that sugar is not good for our teeth but often sugar is hidden in the foods that are promoted as being healthy.  Even bread, milk, and cereal contain types of sugar that can lead to cavities. Cavities form when bacteria in our mouths eat the sugar and put out acid that breaks down the tooth.  Also acids in foods can also contribute to cavities.  Things like citrus fruits or juices, vinegars, soda, and alcohol can cause tooth structure to wear away.

Here are some tips for foods to avoid for to keep your teeth healthy:

1.       Limit candy and sweets. They should be a treat, not something for every day. If you do indulge, enjoy the treat with a meal to reduce the effect the sugar has on your teeth. Also, choose sugarless gum if you are a gum chewer. Some gum such as Trident Brand contains xylitol has been found to be helpful in preventing cavities.

2.       Be cautious of dried fruit or snacks with fruit in the name. Dried fruit is sticky and the sugar content is more concentrated.  By the way, fruit snacks and fruit roll-ups are NOT fruit! Don’t be fooled by the name. Juice sounds like a healthy option but, again, lots of sugar bathing your teeth with each sip. A piece of whole fruit is the best option and also contains beneficial fiber and vitamins.

3.       Speaking of sips: how you drink something can be almost as important as what you drink. Sipping on drinks with sugar (juice, coffee, iced-tea or even many flavored waters) can increase the likelihood of tooth decay. The longer the sugar stays in contact with your teeth, the more damage can be done. Water is the only drink that you sip, anything else should be consumed with a meal to reduce the effect of the sugar.

So are there any foods that can help your teeth?

1.       Calcium is important for teeth that are developing in young children. Milk and cheese help provide calcium for growing bones and teeth.  Remember that milk does contain sugar so it is best to drink it with a meal.

2.       Arginine is an amino acid found in certain proteins and foods that are high in arginine can be helpful in preventing tooth decay by working in your saliva to help keep your teeth strong.  Where do you find arginine? How do you get it?  Eat more spinach!  It not only makes your muscles strong, but because it is high in arginine it makes your teeth strong too.  Seafood, especially shellfish, is very high in arginine.  Soy protein, nuts, and sunflower seeds are really good choices.  Even turkey, egg yolks, and avocado contain arginine. 

3.       Water is the ideal drink when it comes to your teeth. It also helps you stay hydrated which is important for maintaining optimal levels of saliva that helps protect our teeth.

Everything we eat or drink can affect our teeth. However, that doesn’t mean you can never have your favorite treats again.  Moderation is key.  Try enjoying treats right after a meal.  Avoid frequent snacking to limit the amount of time sugar is in your mouth. And remember, brush twice a day and floss at least once to remove the bacteria and sugar to promote a healthy mouth for life.